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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

7 years ago

When Retirement Becomes Less About Money and More About Emotional Wealth

In 1964, Bob Dylan wrote the song, “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” As he sang those famous words, I wonder if he had any idea how much they would come to represent an entire generation of Americans. Read More

7 years ago

“Shopping for the Real You:” This Book May Have You Rethinking Fashion After 60

I love fashion. Color, texture and style have always had a powerful impact on my life. For example, when I am shopping, I often will tune into my color of the day based on my mood. Then, I find myself attracted to items in that color family. Read More

7 years ago

Thinking About Retirement? Here’s How to Find Your Own North Star and Get More from Life

Last year, I met with two of my retired friends for a Saturday afternoon glass of wine. Both had retired within the previous two years. Read More

7 years ago

Why We Should Replace the Word “Retirement” with the Phrase “Lifestyle Change”

We read about how wonderful being over 60 is and that retirement is almost regarded as Nirvana. Social media is splashed with photographs of retirees enjoying themselves and looking happy. Read More

7 years ago

5 Sure-fire Strategies for Making Friends and Ending Loneliness After 60

I was leaning back in my chair laughing so hard that I nearly fell over. My belly hurt. The six of us at our table were nearly in hysterics. It took us several minutes to get under control before the conversation continued. All of us wiped laughter tears from our cheeks. We couldn’t wait for the next story…

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7 years ago

Not So Guilty Pleasures: 3 Life Enhancers to Make You Feel Like a Million Bucks After 60

Who doesn’t love it when they find a pleasure that’s absolutely free? Not only do I know I’ve treated myself to something wonderful, I feel very clever about it, which makes me feel, well, rich. And that is the whole point of my philosophy of living like a millionaire on a retirement budget. Read More

7 years ago

Finding Friends in Your 60s is Magical… Here’s How to Do it!

In the book about downsizing called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, it’s suggested that you discard items in your home that don’t bring you joy. The same could be said about friends, I suppose…

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7 years ago

5 Ways to Take the Fear Out of Retirement

Maybe it’s not a feeling of fear that you feel… maybe it’s more like dread or uneasiness of the unknown. The dictionary definition of the word retirement is “the action or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.” Read More

7 years ago

Want to Start Painting After 60? Try Acrylics First!

Are you looking forward to reconnecting with your creative side after 60? You know that this is healthy and will do wonders to smooth out the edges of the past few years. Decades even. One favorite option is painting, but before you begin you need to make a critical choice. What medium will work best? Read More

7 years ago

How Simplifying Your Life Can Help You to be Happier After 60

Talking to the other women in our community, I’m convinced that simplifying your life is one of the best things that you can do in your 60s. As we get older, we often find ourselves surrounded by years of accumulated possessions. Some of our possessions are connected to a beautiful memory, a special person, or a significant time or place. Other things are, well, just… things. Read More