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Living life after 60 involves a little - or a lot - of change. It all depends on your preferences. Taking in account your interests, you can have so much fun. Enjoy this category of articles to learn about technology, hobbies, books, entertainment and more!

6 years ago

My Super Simple (Yet Oh So Tasty!) Flat Iron Steak with Mushrooms and Red Wine Sauce

Most people think that life after 60 is all about relaxing. Well, this may be true for some of us… but, most older adults live pretty busy lives. So, when we find a simple, easy-to-make recipe that is both hearty and tasty, we are always ready to give it a shot! Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: “If You Leave Me” – A Story of War, Family and Forbidden Love

For most people, Korea is an enigmatic country.

Personally, I know very little about Korean history and culture, so the book If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim intrigued me. We often learn of women who are caught in historical moments of transition and this story talks about someone living in that reality. Read More

6 years ago

This Chicken with Pineapple and Almonds Has Been a Favorite in My Family for 40 Years

This stir-fry type recipe, featuring chicken with pineapple and almonds, has been a favorite of my family for over four decades. I first tasted something similar while visiting friends in England who were living on their sailboat. Read More

6 years ago

5 Tips to Help You Declutter with Poise – Even When You’re a Pack Rat

Cleaning out an apartment or house is a stressful process, regardless of the reason. It’s not much fun sorting through possessions when you’re moving or renovating. Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter – The Power of Words to Change Lives

I have been in the communications field all my life. My first job in high school was managing a community for a country and western radio station, then I worked in bookstores for 8 years. Read More

6 years ago

Los Angeles, the NoHo Arts District: A Guide for the Visitor or Potential Resident

As women over 60, we are hardly at the end of our game. We are vibrant creatures who love art, sports, music, food, social interaction and all the other blessings of a rich culture. Read More

6 years ago

Still Using AOL or Yahoo? Why Boomers Should Consider Switching to Gmail

Many of us set up our email long ago. Sometimes, so long ago that what email you use is evidence of when you started using email. Read More

6 years ago

Book of the Week: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine – Surviving and Thriving with Loneliness

If you have ever felt alone, lonely and disconnected from the world, you will resonate with the character in Gail Honeyman’s book, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. Read More

6 years ago

Your World in Your 60s: Can You Dream It Anew?

What is it that you want to do when you grow up? I know that sounds like a youth-centric question to those of us who are already retired and older than what our imaginations ever led us to envision. Read More

6 years ago

What is the Secret to a Happy Retirement? Advice from the Sixty and Me Community

Turning 60 is a scary experience for a lot of women. Unlike other birthdays, we are not worried about “getting old.” We are not concerned about a few more wrinkles or the fact that we have gained a few extra pounds. No, the issues that we face as we enter our 60s are deeper. Read More