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Search Results for: weight loss

Fall Prevention Guide For Older Adults

By Koob Moua June 10, 2021

Seeing a main character in a movie living in constant fear or being fearless never ends well. Living in constant fear results in not enjoying what life has to offer. Being fearless and ignoring all of the warning signs result in failure due to stubbornness. The trope of the story typically goes such that the […]

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How to Feel Beautiful, Stylish and Resilient at 90

By Alexandra Kathryn Mosca June 08, 2021

I am one of Iris Apfel’s 1.6 million Instagram followers. In a society that worships youth, and in which fashion models seems to grow younger all the time, 99-year-old Apfel is a breath of fresh air. The unconventional style icon’s fabulousness and ageless…

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Not All Memories About Our Parents Are Worth Remembering

By Julia Hubbel June 05, 2021

Should you read your parents’ letters? Are their journals and private musings cathartic or potentially devastating? I face this question right now, and it’s a big one. A while back, after moving to Eugene, Oregon this past year, I saw an article by a fellow Sixty writer…

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Remembering a Loved One: 13 Beautiful Ideas to Keep Them Alive in Your Heart

By Margaret Manning May 21, 2021

Remembering a loved one is a deeply personal experience. At the same time, one of the things that is special about our community is that we can talk about difficult topics. So, today, I want to offer 13 ways to remember someone that you have lost…

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What You Need to Know About Kidney Disease, Dialysis, and Medicare Coverage

By Jason Carrasco May 10, 2021

Kidney disease is a serious condition that worsens over time and can lead to death, without proper treatment. The kidneys filter waste out of the body, but when they start to lose function, this can lead to a host of serious symptoms that interfere with everyday life…

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Is It Possible to Treat Type 2 Diabetes with Long-Term Effects?

By Kent Sasse April 14, 2021

As the type 2 diabetes epidemic continues to grow, the most emphasized treatment may surprise you. In the latest update to the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, the guidelines put forward by the American Diabetes Association…

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Intermittent Fasting and the 5:2 Diet Made Easy for Women Over 60

By Suzi Grant April 12, 2021

As a nutritionist and blogger at Alternative Ageing, I am a keen fan of fasting. So when the 5:2 diet hit the headlines a couple of years ago, I happily embraced this form of intermittent fasting for the sake of my health as well as my waistline…

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How to Make Money in Retirement by Sharing Your Passion for Health

By Lynda Goldman April 04, 2021

For most of my life I’ve been unemployable. That doesn’t mean I haven’t had jobs. I was a college language teacher for many years. That led to an opportunity to write textbooks – and I found that I loved the creativity of writing…

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Health Resources for Older Women

By Sixty and Me April 04, 2021

The golden years are often some of the best years of our life. They do, however, come with an increased risk of health issues. Many of these health problems affect women only for biological reasons.  We look at 15 of the most common issues that affect older women and the health resources available to support […]

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Self-Compassion and The Art of Success

By Noelle Nelson April 02, 2021

Self-compassion. An odd term, perhaps, but a necessary one. We are too often willing to show compassion for others, but reluctant to express the same compassion for ourselves. We readily confuse self-compassion with a “woe is me” attitude, license to indulge…

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