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Search Results for: weight loss

Young Women Over 60: Stay Physical and Work on Preventing Dementia

By Keith Darrow April 25, 2022

Prevention is the only available ‘treatment’ for the mind-robbing diseases of cognitive decline and dementia. In fact, prevention of dementia is just as important as preventing other common chronic conditions…

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5 Powerful Reasons to Embrace the Unexpected After 60

By Ginny McReynolds April 20, 2022

If you’re like me, life seems perfect when there is a manageable routine. I’m not a stick-in-the-mud, but I like it when I can plan ahead, when I know how my day is going to go and when I feel confident about the tasks on my to-do list…

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Step Away from the Easter Calories and Nobody’s Waist Line Gets Hurt

By Wendy Irvine April 09, 2022

This is how they get us: they go one of three ways. First, your standard chocolate companies transform chocolate, sugar, nuts and/or marshmallows into darling shapes like bunnies, chicks, and lambs…

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10 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Bones Healthy and Strong After 60 (Recipes)

By Leanne Ely April 06, 2022

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Remember that famous line? It was in a TV commercial years ago, and though it has since been used in countless stories, jokes, and memes, it still relates to a serious issue…

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How to Get an Authentic Travel Experience in Italy

By Jackie Parsons March 19, 2022

Authentic travel. We’re all talking about it but what exactly makes a trip authentic? And more to the point, is it really possible to find authenticity on a fleeting one- or two-week holiday – and particularly if we’re partial to a touch of luxury?

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4 Essential Knee Exercises to Make Climbing Stairs Easier and Pain-Free

By Todd Kuslikis March 07, 2022

You are standing at the bottom of that dreaded staircase once again. All you want is that maroon blouse from the armoire in the attic. Why would climbing 13 six-inch elevations feel like surmounting Mount Everest…

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Why the Cycle of Overeating Is a Game-Changer When We’re Losing after 50

By Wendy Irvine March 06, 2022

My new plan was to train my brain to embed healthier eating habits. And as I did, it became glaring to me that while we’re constantly admonished to “eat this, not that,” the so-called experts know little about how our powerful brains affect overeating…

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Rethinking the New Year’s Resolution

By Amy Newmark March 01, 2022

By now, we’ve accepted that whatever grandiose plans we made on January 1st are not working out. But we are not alone. According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail, and most people lose their resolve by mid-February…

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Swap New Year Resolutions for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes That Focus on Spiritual Principles

By T. Kari Mitchell January 17, 2022

At the beginning of each year, many people make lofty health and wellness goals and are disappointed when they have trouble keeping their promises. It can be super frustrating to have high expectations about achieving lifestyle goals only to see them…

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Is It Possible for Women Over 50 to Limit the Decline?

By Julie Dargan January 17, 2022

The 50s is the decade when most women will be entering the menopause. Not only can the hot flushes and night sweats kick in but this is also the time for the ‘hidden’ bone loss complications. Bowel cancer risk increases as well as type 2 diabetes…

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