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Search Results for: weight loss

Dealing with Depression Doesn’t Mean You’re Crazy

By Suzanne Mulligan-Born October 10, 2022

My mother did NOT age well! And one of the areas that created a lot of havoc in her life was her mental health. She became consumed by a total loss of enjoyment in everything around her. Over the years, I have been able to identify with that feeling…

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How to Deal with Having an Estranged Adult Child

By Christine Field October 08, 2022

Mothering is filled with both blessings and pain. Not too long ago, one of my children was estranged from me. It was not how I envisioned a relationship with an adult child. At the time, I wasn’t completely sure where she was living and had no reliable way to contact her…

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Want Radiant Skin at 60+? Control These 3 Crucial Hormones

By Kathleen Perry October 05, 2022

Skin ages, along with the rest of our body, post-menopause. Women over 60 who want to age with vitality should know that there are things we can do to have and maintain healthy, radiant skin. The key lies in three crucial hormones that impact the way skin ages…

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6 Lessons My Mother Taught Me About (Not) Aging Well

By Suzanne Mulligan-Born September 23, 2022

Sometimes we learn what to do from someone who did it all wrong. I found myself realizing I learned a lot from my mother after she turned 60 – but sadly, the lessons are not ones I want to repeat. My mother was the same age as I am now…

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What Is Sarcopenia and How Can Older Adults Prevent Its Tragic Impacts?

By Sandra Feaster September 12, 2022

You may ask, what is sarcopenia? Is it a disease, an insect or food? Is it something we should fear? The answer is, “Yes and No.” The name itself sounds gross, but no, it is not a disease, insect, or food…

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4 Most Common Post Menopause Symptoms and What You Can Do to Control Them

By Julie Dargan September 10, 2022

Life post menopause should not be a time of suffering. Rather, it should be a time of wisdom, freedom, and reflection for self-growth. If you find yourself ill at ease with your menopause journey, addressing food and lifestyle changes, alongside any other…

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4 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat After Menopause

By Linda Melone September 10, 2022

It strikes without warning. One day you’re strolling along, thinking you’re finally getting the hang of this thing called ‘life,’ when – BAM! – it hits you as you try to zip up your pants. It’s a reminder that you are not yet done…

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Why We Should Strengthen Our Gluteus Medius Muscle (+ Exercises)

By Lynn Perkes August 28, 2022

Of course, it is important to strengthen all our major muscle groups to protect against sarcopenia, the progressive and gradual loss of muscle mass and strength as we age. Should we fall prey to significant sarcopenia, we will most likely experience…

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The Power of Inner Maturity (VIDEO)

By Joanie Marx August 05, 2022

Unpacking your emotional baggage, at any age, can be a scary proposition. This is especially true for those of us over 60. You may feel called to do so and yet, there likely arises a number of reasons you convince yourself it is best to leave it alone…

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Reflecting on Women’s Rights in 2022

By Becki Cohn-Vargas July 25, 2022

Do you remember a television ad that said, “You’ve come a long way, baby?” It was an ad in the 70s for Virginia Slim cigarettes, and the jingle continues, “You’ve got your own cigarette now, baby, you’ve come a long way…

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