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Search Results for: weight loss

3 Evidence-Based Ways for Seniors to Increase Their Happiness

By Jane Thurnell-Read March 01, 2023

Around a quarter of people over 65 suffer from depression. That’s a huge number of people who are not enjoying life. For some it’s because they are facing difficult medical treatment…

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How to Reduce Your Risk of Long Covid According to a Harvard Study

By Camilla Moore February 28, 2023

A recent study published by Harvard Medical School in JAMA Internal Medicine has found that women who follow a healthy lifestyle have about half the risk of developing long Covid compared with women without any healthy lifestyle factors…

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Take Care of Your Body as You Move Through Grief

By Catherine Stifter February 22, 2023

During the days before Mom’s death, there were long periods of intense stillness. While sitting quietly in her room, conversing in whispers with my sisters and brother, sadness settled into my chest. I caught myself holding my breath at times…

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Understanding and Dealing with Frailty at Any Age

By Cindy Roe Littlejohn February 20, 2023

The number one reason seniors seek medical health care is frailty, which is a very general term. In this first article we’ll look at the definition of frailty, how it affects us as we age and one important symptom we should look out for…

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4 Essential Types of Exercise for a Healthy Heart

By Aubrey Reinmiller February 16, 2023

February is the month of love! One of the best ways we can show ourselves and our loved ones love is by taking good care of our body and our heart. 80% of heart disease is preventable according to the American Heart Association…

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Meet (and Defeat) Your Body’s Toxic Zombie Cells

By Kristine Bahr February 04, 2023

When it comes to age-related issues, telomere length, and senescent cells play a major role. When telomeres become shorter, and senescent cells become more prevalent, the aging process accelerates. Scientifically speaking, when cells age…

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Exploring the Natural Alternatives to HRT After Menopause

By Devorah Feinbloom January 28, 2023

Blessed are the women who soar through menopause unscathed. Not all of us, however, are so lucky. There are about 38 different symptoms attributable to menopause. We’ve all heard the complaints: suffering with embarrassing hot flashes, excess weight gain in the belly…

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Clean Beauty No Makeup Look for Women Over 50

By Elise Marquam-Jahns January 26, 2023

I happened to click onto an online site recently that featured a 6-piece collection of new – at least new to me – clean beauty products that I just couldn’t resist purchasing. So, in today’s video I thought we could have some fun trying out…

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4 Important Reasons Why You Should Stretch in Your Later Years

By Lynn Perkes January 13, 2023

I believe we all know the importance of getting regular cardiorespiratory exercise and resistance (weight) training throughout our lifespan. That doing so will help reduce our risk for cardiovascular disease, hormonal based cancers…

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Facing Alcohol Addiction After 60

By Lori Butler January 13, 2023

In her late 70s, Becky, felt out of place during the Covid-19 crisis. She was finally coming to grips with her alcohol addiction. The problem was exacerbated by her use of prescribed medications – medications she needed to navigate aging…

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