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Search Results for: weight loss

What Should I Do? Confessions from an Overthinker

By Jane Sawyer November 09, 2021

If I had a dollar for every time a question or second thought occurred to me, I would assuredly be a billionaire! Overthinking next steps or actions is an all-too-familiar pattern for me and without realizing it, I will consider if it’s the right time to do…

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Why Setting Goals Is Sometimes the Worst Thing You Can Do

By Robin Ola October 27, 2021

Back in the 1980s, when I was in my 20s, I decided to do a 2-day, 150-mile bike ride from Houston to Austin, Texas. I bought a bike (yes, I didn’t even have a bike at the time) and trained for months with a group of friends who were…

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6 Words You Must Not Say

By Debbie Hensleigh October 24, 2021

Long ago, a friend told me her fiancé had given her a huge gift. He was multi-lingual and had many dictionaries. He told her he went through every one of them and removed the word “divorce.” Removed…

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Get Set for a Healthy Winter with These Nourishing Foods

By Peg Doyle October 21, 2021

Seasonal foods are nutritional miracles. When we eat locally, Nature provides just the right fruits and vegetables to match the season. In Spring we see our first greens in New England – lettuce, beans, spinach and kale. These foods have astringent qualities…

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3 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism After 60

By Aubrey Reinmiller October 17, 2021

If you have gained a bit of weight (or more) over the past few years and you feel like it is an inevitable part of aging, let me tell you this is untrue. If, no matter what diet you have tried, the stubborn pounds just won’t leave you, read on… 

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Dressing for Your Body Type is a Part of Fashion Over 60

By Margaret Manning October 17, 2021

I’m not a big fan of the labels that society attaches to women’s bodies and neither was fashion expert, Melanie Payge, when we met in Milan to film our series of fashion videos for older women. On the other hand, the fact is, when it comes to purchasing…

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“Drinking Our Meals” Can Play an Important Role in Our Health

By Joy Stephenson-Laws October 14, 2021

I recently had some dental work done and the oral surgeon told me I would need to be on a liquid diet for a while. My first thought was literally “yuck” as I imagined my meals being nothing more exciting or appetizing than bouillon and gelatin…

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Fitness After 50 Isn’t About the Number on a Scale

By Ginny McReynolds September 13, 2021

I went on my first diet when I was 14. I had been a gymnast and a diver when I was younger, and as I slipped into the more sedentary life of a teenager – and my body entered puberty – I started worrying that I weighed too much. I came by it honestly…

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Is Insulin Resistance the Culprit Behind Your Belly Fat?

By Karen Donaldson August 27, 2021

If you’re struggling with extra weight in the belly, insulin resistance may be causing the problem. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas. One of its functions is to transport sugars from the blood into all other cells of the body…

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Tips for Making the Right Decisions at Life’s Crossroads

By Joe Carson August 24, 2021

Good physical health is most often tied to a sense of good mental and emotional wellness. However, when challenging situations and circumstances happen in life, we are provided with a crossroads which can affect both mental…

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