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Search Results for: weight loss

Kickstart Your Digestive Health with Fiber  

By Felicia Reid June 04, 2022

When all else seems too daunting, simply adding dietary fiber into your daily diet may improve the function of your gastrointestinal system, your immune system and aid in the prevention and onset of diseases like diabetes, heart disease…

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How to Stay Healthy on Holiday, One Delicious Bite at a Time

By Suzi Grant May 13, 2022

Apart from a tan and presents for our grandchildren, there are two things most of us want to avoid bringing home after a holiday abroad: a stomach upset or excess baggage around our tummies! Whether you are going to India or Spain, there are a few things you can do to avoid both, and come back healthier, whether you’re traveling for months or just a couple of weeks. How to avoid illness while traveling?

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Can Healthy Fats Help You to Experience Healthy Aging?

By Sherry Kahn April 16, 2022

For decades, the conventional wisdom was that eating fat made us fat. As a result, food manufacturers went wild with refined carbohydrates and sugar, seeking to make low-fat foods more palatable. Now, it’s understood that it’s those foods that make us fat…

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How to Measure Frailty and Its Impact on Our Older Bodies

By Cindy Roe Littlejohn March 25, 2022

In a previous article, we discussed the definition of frailty, how it affects us as we age and the very important symptom of muscle mass loss. Here, we’ll talk about muscle mass, what to look for, and how to reverse its loss. We will also discuss…

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5 Ways Women Over 60 Can Maintain Healthy Joints and Overcome Arthritis

By Sarah Brewer February 21, 2022

Few people escape joint aches and pains, however gracefully they age. Over 100 different types of arthritis can cause symptoms of pain, swelling, stiffness and restricted movement. Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints…

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How Knowing Your Insulin Levels Can Help You Prevent More than Diabetes After 60

By Joy Stephenson-Laws January 06, 2022

As boomers, we’re used to having our blood glucose levels measured during our annual physicals. After all, our risk for developing diabetes increases with age. Many of us now know our A1C levels as well as our cholesterol, iron and…

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Getting Started with Movement? Here Are Types of Workouts You Can Try

By Elaine Economou December 25, 2021

Carrie Bradshaw once asked: “Why are we should-ing all over ourselves?” There are so many ‘shoulds’ in our vocabulary for fitness and movement. We should do cardio exercise for heart health and to burn calories. We should do yoga to stretch…

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How to Manage Your Emotions Instead of Eating to Avoid Them

By Shari Broder December 22, 2021

We’re all feeling such an array of emotions this year. If you’ve been eating to avoid the discomfort of some of them, then you’ve likely gained weight. What you’re doing is emotional eating, and that is the biggest cause of overeating…

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12 Excuses for Overeating and Why They’re Nonsense

By Shari Broder November 23, 2021

Do you have a collection of excuses you repeatedly use to justify eating when you aren’t hungry? Or continuing to eat when you’ve already had enough? Your decision to eat is always preceded by a thought, even if you barely notice the thought…

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Do Antidepressant Medications Cause Obesity?

By Kent Sasse November 16, 2021

It’s a terrible cycle – depression can lead to inactivity, loss of motivation, unhealthy eating habits, and weight gain, all of which can perpetuate feelings of depression. And while there is no doubt that pharmaceutical treatments for depression…

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