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Search Results for: weight loss

How to Use Spices to Stay Healthy in the Transition from Summer to Fall

By Sarah Brewer September 07, 2022

Many kitchen spices have warming properties that can enhance your health as the weather turns colder. While they are available in supplement form, use them in recipes whenever possible. Weight for weight, spices provide…

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If Something Is Important… Make It VISUAL

By Jane Sawyer August 27, 2022

For years, I have written reminder notes for myself. My visual memory (the ability to recall what my eyes have seen) has always been particularly strong, but I’ve relied on this trait more in my 60s and 70s. Whether it is because I underwent chemotherapy…

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Dealing with Chronic Back Pain in Your 70s and Beyond

By Lex Gonzales August 26, 2022

As we age, our bodies go through a lot of changes. One common change that many of us experience is back pain. Back pain is a very common issue for older adults. In fact, a study that looked into the literature published from January 1985 to October 2018…

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6 Solutions to a Common, Yet Embarrassing Problem

By Diane Lansing August 10, 2022

We joke about it. Sometimes we’re embarrassed by it. But we all do it, so we might as well talk about it. I’m referring to something that goes by a variety of names: gas, flatus, wind, farts. You all know what I mean!

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10 Foods that Help with Lowering or Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels for Type 2 Diabetes

By Alisa Sabin July 21, 2022

Diabetes is a medical disorder of maintaining high blood sugar levels over prolonged periods of time. If poorly controlled, diabetes can significantly increase morbidity and mortality. In addition to complications, like ketoacidosis…

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Recognizing and Treating Depression in Older Adults

By Koob Moua July 15, 2022

Everyone experiences the occasional blues or lethargy. But if feelings of sadness or tiredness occur more often than not, do not ignore them. It is important to pay attention to how long these emotional waves last, as they may signal…

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6 Ways to Adopt a Daily Self-Care Routine After 60

By Molly Wisniewski June 23, 2022

Society today is all about giving. Giving your time to a job, offering resources to a cause, giving your attention to the needs of family and friends. And while these things can be rewarding, it leaves little time for us to focus on our own needs…

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Your Loved One Was Diagnosed with Dementia: How to Take Care of You

By Julie Ambachew June 14, 2022

Being a caregiver comes with its challenges and rewards, especially when you are placed in the unexpected position of caring for a relative or loved one diagnosed with dementia. When a loved one cognitively declines, the question is not whether…

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The Most Important Routine in My Day Starts the Night Before

By Leslie Moon June 13, 2022

Everyone always talks about the importance of our morning routine, and I would agree that starting our day in an intentional way sets the stage for our entire day. I, like many, have a very routine morning. However, my morning routine…

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3 Ways to Biohack Your Health and Find New Energy After 60

By Maureen Lake June 11, 2022

Years ago I had the pleasure to attend The Feel Good Summit hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman. There were many amazing masterminds and lectures, but as a woman suffering from fatigue, one stuck out for me…

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