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Search Results for: weight loss

Yes, Virginia, You Can Indulge in Low Calorie Holiday Drinks: Your Ultimate Guide

By Wendy Irvine December 23, 2022

I love a tasty buzz as much as the next girl, but at the same time I don’t want to drink what are essentially boozy desserts and run screaming from my scale on New Year’s Day. Having maintained my loss for years now, I have zero interest…

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Why New Year’s Resolutions Set Emotional Eaters for Failure and What to Do Instead

By Marion Holt December 12, 2022

New Year is coming, and I swear when the clock strikes midnight, I will turn my life around this time and turn into a slimmer, healthier, and happier version of me. I will get an annual membership to the gym and use it a whole three weeks…

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What Thyroid Issues We Could Experience as We Age

By Alisa Sabin December 09, 2022

The thyroid is a gland located in the front of the neck. It is butterfly-shaped and right below the Adam’s apple. It secretes hormones that affect metabolism and form protein. As with all parts of the body, the thyroid may change with age…

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4 Powerful Ways to Control Blood Pressure Naturally

By Elizabeth Klodas November 30, 2022

If you have high blood pressure, you’re not alone. In fact, using the new definition of high blood pressure – 130/80 mmHg or greater, on average, as measured at rest on two separate occasions – one out of every two American adults is affected…

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Want to Stop Emotional Eating? Ask Yourself These 6 Questions

By Shari Broder November 23, 2022

Have you ever thought about the tiny number of things over which we have actual control? There are so many things in life that go on regardless of us actually ‘doing’ anything to make them happen…

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How to Avoid Having to Wear Santa’s Pants During the Holiday Season

By Marion Holt November 12, 2022

Sweet potato casserole. Pumpkin pie. Hot chocolate with cinnamon. Yum. Just saying the words makes me want to have some. I can’t count everything I eat during holiday season, and it’s better left unsaid. I just hope I don’t put on 10 pounds…

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Banish Those November Blues with a Holistic Plan That Works Wonders for Women Over 60

By Karen Margaret Kay November 08, 2022

As you move into your 60s and beyond, what images come to your mind when you hear the word ‘November’? Depending on where you live, you may have only positive connotations associated with this month…

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Our Great Grandmothers Wouldn’t Recognize Us: We’re Healthier, Happier and Crushing It!

By Wendy Irvine October 16, 2022

Women of yesteryear were tough. (And, spoiler alert: so are you and I.) Can you imagine? Those women had no right to vote (until 1920 in the U.S.), iffy birth control, sketchy medical care, no Pampers, no dishwasher…

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4 Steps for Managing Food Cravings While Eating What You Love

By Shari Broder September 26, 2022

Do you often get the urge to eat when you aren’t hungry? Do you find yourself having lots of cravings for certain foods? The inability to manage cravings can be the downfall of the best efforts of many people who want to lose weight…

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How to Take Charge of Your Own Personal Diet Plan After 60

By Joseph Parent September 23, 2022

Most diet systems present one approach that is supposed to work for everyone. They recommend specific changes in foods to eat and the way to eat them, sometimes with extensive amounts of supplements, and often schedules…

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