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Search Results for: weight loss

Be Still My Eating Heart. How One Special Dessert Changed Everything

By Wendy Irvine September 02, 2023

After a lifetime of being – uh – well-insulated, I lost 55 pounds in my early 40s and have kept the pounds off for 17 years as I write. I’m currently 59. (I know you’re wondering, so, yes, I carried twins and am 10 years past meno.) When friends ask…

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The Power of 66… Alcohol Free Days

By Janet Gourand August 29, 2023

The global wellness economy is estimated to be worth $4 trillion dollars! We are on an endless and expensive quest for wellness, vitality and youth… yet we drink the toxin ethanol on a daily basis. We do the yoga, the juicing…

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Nutrition Needs May Change as You Age: A Few Tips to Stay in Front of Them

By Julie Ambachew August 13, 2023

There is no denying that a healthy, balanced diet can help you live longer, feel younger, and have more energy, but what we often don’t realize is that the definition of a healthy diet changes throughout our lifetime. For example, you may have lower calorie…

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How to Create Your Own Intermittent Fasting Routine

By Thea Banjac August 03, 2023

Intermittent fasting is certainly a hot health topic these days, and for good reason! There are plenty of articles, books, and research papers you can read to learn of the impressive and often even miraculous benefits of fasting…

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5 Wonderful Reasons and Ways to Keep Moving

By Tammi Kaeberlein August 01, 2023

I met an amazing older couple in the lounge at the airport in Hawaii once. The two were enjoying a beer in between flights and clearly having a fantastic time. They were lively, hilarious, and full of fun stories…

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Are You Wasting Your Golden Years Dieting? Follow These 4 Steps to Health Without a Diet

By Elizabeth Klodas July 10, 2023

I’m going to tell you something that should not surprise you: Diets don’t work. After all, if they did, we’d all be skinny – and healthy. As a physician, I see many patients who are following one diet or another. In fact, it’s the exception for me to see…

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12 Health Apps for Women Over 60

By Sandra Roussy June 06, 2023

Mobile apps that we install on our phones or tablets have become useful for everyday life. From fun games to exercise apps, there’s an app for everything! Are you looking for apps that can help you stay healthy? There are many useful apps…

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Gardening and Summer Food – What’s in It for You?

By Peg Doyle June 01, 2023

Are you someone who closely marks the calendar in springtime, eagerly awaiting the day when you can put seeds in the ground to grow your vegetables? Gardening is a wonderful way to connect not only with our food, but also with the soil, air and water…

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10 Signs of Emotional Eating and Strategies to Break Free

By Marion Holt May 29, 2023

Emotional eating is a common coping mechanism where we turn to food for comfort during times of stress, sadness, or boredom. It leads us to consume food in response to emotions, especially negative emotions, instead of hunger…

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How to Stop Obsessing About Food and Make Consistently Healthy Choices After 60

By Cassie Christopher April 28, 2023

Whether your end goal is to lose weight, do everything in your power to prevent or treat a disease, or both, the anxiety of feeling stuck in patterns that don’t align with your values around health can be overwhelming…

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