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Search Results for: weight loss

Healthy Eating Mystery: What Are You REALLY Craving… and Why?

By Karen Donaldson July 16, 2021

To say that our relationship with food is complex is an understatement, especially when it comes to weight loss. If it was easy, I would put on my dietitian hat and tell you how many carbs, proteins and fats you should be eating…

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7 Types of Group Exercise That Can Help You Thrive When You’re Over 60

By Robin Griffiths July 02, 2019

We all know the benefits of exercise. Working out can increase energy, promote weight loss, manage health problems, and aid in the prevention of muscle loss. Although we know we need to get out there and work out…

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Why You Crave Comfort Foods Over the Holidays… and How to Fight Back

By Karen Donaldson November 20, 2017

When it comes to weight loss, the holiday season usually spells disaster. Many of my clients share with me that between all the stress and all the sugar they would prefer to just fast forward to the month of March!

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An Excerpt from “What Are You Hungry For?” by Deepak Chopra

By Margaret Manning November 12, 2013

In his new book What Are You Hungry For? The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul bestselling author Deepak Chopra discusses how overeating is really just a symptom of a much larger problem – an inability to find true fulfillment in our lives. Since living a healthy life after 60 is a goal of many members of our Sixty and Me community, I reached out to Deepak and his team to see if they would be willing to give us a sneak peek at his new book. I am delighted to let you know that Read More

4 Great Reasons to Find a Workout Partner After 60

By Jessica Hegg May 06, 2024

Workout partners, whether they’re your spouse or a friend, serve as a physical and mental cue to stick with it and have fun! Check out these 4 reasons why finding a workout partner could be one of the best things you do for your health…

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5 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results from Fitness After 60 – and How to Fix Them

By Linda Melone April 12, 2024

I survived Flashdance fashion and Jane Fonda high-rise leotards, and endured a stress fracture from many months of high-impact cardio on unforgiving, cement gym floors. In short, I’ve been an eyewitness to trends, cults, and rises and falls of everything fitness…

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Why Strength Training Triumphs: A Guide for Women Over 50

By Christine Kirkland April 07, 2024

As women journey through midlife and beyond, the importance of prioritizing health becomes increasingly evident. While many turn to intense cardio workouts to stay fit, there’s a growing realization that strength training holds remarkable benefits…

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Low-Impact Workouts for Beginners: Instructions and Video

By Elaine Economou March 25, 2024

If you’ve made the decision to bring more movement into your life, congratulations! That commitment to yourself is the first step. And it’s a big one. Now it’s time to find the right workout…

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Obesity Drugs – Are They the Answer?

By Peg Doyle March 20, 2024

It would be nearly impossible to find even one woman in our Sixty and Me community who hasn’t at some point disliked her body or called herself fat. This criticism and self-loathing is the direct result of a continuous deluge of impossible images…

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Technology Tales: DEXA Scan, More than Bone Density

By Tammi Kaeberlein March 01, 2024

A DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) scan is well-known and highly regarded for its detailed assessments of bone health. Most of us have heard of it, and many have had one. But there’s far more to a scan than bone density…

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