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Search Results for: weight loss

5 Dieting Mistakes When it Comes to Menopause Weight Gain

By Caroline Apovian May 04, 2017

Many of my middle-aged women patients ask me similar versions of the same question: why isn’t this weight loss technique that has always worked for me in the past working now?

The answer lies in the complex ways that our hormones change and impact our metabolisms during perimenopause. Read More

What if Losing Weight During Menopause Meant Losing Your Husband?

By Julie Dargan February 06, 2017

What would you do if your efforts to feel positive were sabotaged by your husband? What if you had to choose between losing weight during menopause and losing the most important man in your life? Imagine the following situation… Read More

Why is Losing Weight After 60 So Tough? What Can You Do About it?

By Peg Doyle January 31, 2017

“I have every self-help and diet book out there, and here I am, still 40 pounds overweight. Sometimes I lose weight and get all excited, only to sabotage myself and eat like a horse. What is wrong with me?”

Sound familiar? Read More

How to Lose Weight After Menopause by Making Simple Changes to Your Diet

By Julie Dargan February 05, 2016

Belly fat!

No dictionary reference needed here.

Be it belly fat, pot belly, jelly belly or bane in your life fat, belly fat is not fun to have, especially if you eat well and exercise. Read More

Losing Weight after 60: Get Back in Shape After the Dreaded “Middle Age Spread” (Video)

By Margaret Manning September 10, 2015

By the time we get to be 60-years-old, most of us have a good idea of how our diet and lifestyle affects us. We know how we react to certain foods and many of us have adopted better eating habits.

There is, however, one aspect of our lives that remains a mystery. If we are eating better and even exercising, why do we have so much trouble losing weight after 60? Read More

Thinking About Losing Weight After 50? It’s Time to Get Social!

By Margaret Manning May 21, 2015

Let’s be honest. By the time we reach our 50s and 60s most of us have a few extra pounds tucked away for a rainy day. Unfortunately, losing weight after 50 is tough. Besides, in a world filled with a Krispy Kreme Doughnuts store on every corner, having a calorie packed “rainy day fund” is about as useful as having a refrigerator at the North Pole. Read More

Navigating Emotional Eating with New Year’s Resolutions

By Marion Holt January 02, 2024

Embarking on a weight loss journey is a common New Year’s resolution, but for those grappling with emotional eating, the path is laden with unique challenges. This article delves into the complexities of setting weight loss resolutions for emotional eaters…

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How Breast Cancer Can Impact Incontinence in Women

By Aleece Fosnight December 24, 2022

Most individuals associate cancer treatments with common symptoms of hair loss, fatigue and weight loss. However, many don’t realize the direct impact cancer treatments can have on our pelvic floor function and increase the likelihood…

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How Unusual Is Your New Year’s Resolution and Does It Involve Laughter?

By Noelle Nelson January 23, 2022

We are off to a new year, with our hopes, our fears, our dreams, and, of course – our resolutions. Along with the usual goals of weight loss/gain, exercise enhancement, being a better parent/spouse/colleague…

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Seniors Could See the Biggest Benefits from Metabolic Surgery

By Kent Sasse July 31, 2021

A pair of recent published studies examined the benefits of weight loss surgery among different age groups. The results are surprising to some, in that the most measurable benefits, including a clear gain in life expectancy…

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