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Search Results for: weight loss

Using Visualization to Lose Weight After 55 – You’ll Be Surprised That It Actually Works!

By Nina Bandoni September 27, 2019

In my last post, I shared how I began the process of losing 50 pounds, and how learning to love myself as I was kick-started a healing process I didn’t know I needed. I began with implementing changes…

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Want to Lose Weight After 60? It’s Time to Take Personal Responsibility and Make Better Choices

By Joseph Parent September 10, 2019

You may have tried to diet and struggled to lose weight. Or you succeeded in losing weight but couldn’t keep it off. Read More

6 Things to Change If You Want to Lose Weight After 60

By Julie Dargan August 03, 2019

The time for excuses is over. In this article I will discuss the 6 top mind sets you have to overcome if it is weight loss you are looking for. And not just weight loss, but sustained weight loss.

Vision, goal and take action, that is my motto. Read More

Tips for Losing Weight After 50: Stop the Grab & Go!

By Peg Doyle February 10, 2019

When I was growing up in the 50s, we sat down and ate three meals every day. My Mom always made breakfast for the family. It would vary from hot porridge to dropped egg on toast to cereal and banana. Read More

Stop Counting Calories and Points to Lose Weight After 50

By Peg Doyle January 08, 2019

Have you been counting calories or points ever since you can remember and still struggle with losing weight after 50? In reality, being overweight has much less to do with calories than it has to do with food choices. Read More

Want to Lose Weight After 60? Take Control of Your Emotions First!

By Peg Doyle October 02, 2018

I’ve always said that eating well is key to health and a healthy weight. But getting to the ‘eating well’ part isn’t just about the food. If it were, many of us would not be struggling with weight issues. This is even more true once you reach the 60s. Read More

Getting to a Healthy Weight is All About One Choice

By Margaret Manning September 14, 2018

Like many of you, I stopped thinking about what other people think of my weight a long time ago. At the same time, I do want to get to (and stay at) a healthy weight so that I can enjoy the best years of my life. I want to have the energy, flexibility and balance to travel, dance and explore. Do you feel the same? If so, you will enjoy Peg Doyle’s latest article for Sixty and Me. In it, she talks about the one choice that all of us face when trying to get to a healthy weight. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Losing Weight After 50: It’s Time to Dress Like You’ve Already Lost the Excess Weight

By Peg Doyle August 16, 2018

Being the right weight after 50 – or at any age for that matter – is a lot about loving yourself. You can’t love yourself fully if you’re depriving yourself of looking your best, waiting for that perfect figure. You can’t love yourself if you squeeze into too tight clothes or wear oversized tunics that hide you. Read More

How Did You Do with Your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight and Get Fit?

By Joseph Parent February 17, 2018

The most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight and get fit. Sadly, it’s also the hardest one to keep!

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3 Reasons to Not Go on a Diet if You Want to Lose Weight After 60

By Peg Doyle January 09, 2018

I attended a conference in December where Meryl Streep was asked what advice she would give the 11,000 attendees.

Without a moment’s hesitation she said, “Stop worrying about your weight. Women lose way too much of their energy worrying about their weight. They could be using that energy for far better things.” Read More