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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

5 years ago

Stop! It’s Time to Challenge These 5 BIG Assumptions and Save More for Retirement

Are you still living in your oversized family home despite the fact that your kids have long ago flown the nest? Do you still own a car even though you no longer commute? Are you proudly proclaiming to the world that you are retiring soon and that you will never work again?

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5 years ago

6 Things Workers Over 60 Need to Know to Thrive in a Multi-Generational Workplace

If you choose to continue working after the official age of retirement, you stand a good chance of working in a team with Millennials and Generation X’s…

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5 years ago

4 Points of Retirement Planning You Need to Consider When Retiring Single

Retirement planning for single people has its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. This is true whether you are a widow, divorced, or you never got married…

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5 years ago

Save $44,500 More for Retirement by Developing This One Simple Habit

Would you like to save $1,000s (or $1,000,000s if you start early enough) more for retirement? It’s actually easier than it sounds… and way more fun than giving up your daily Starbucks or taking on a second job. It’s an approach that won’t ask you to take on additional risk with your investments. Nor does […]

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5 years ago

Let’s Plant a Money Tree! 5 Steps to Make Your Finances Bloom This Spring

Spring is in the air. I am getting ready to start my outdoor gardening, and I know there is a lot of work to do before I will harvest the bounty. As I do this, I can’t help but feel that the same is true with our monetary lives. Read More

5 years ago

Dear Grandkids, Don’t Make the Same Money Mistakes that I Did!

Dear Max, Marvel and Jack… Trust me, your relationship with money will really matter one day… and since I won’t be around forever, I wanted to share some of what I have learned about money over the years…

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5 years ago

3 Reasons to Share Your Money Mistakes with Your Grandkids

When I was growing up, my family never discussed money. It wasn’t that my parents or grandparents though that money was “evil.” It’s just that, like many working-class families, we didn’t have much to discuss… or so we thought!

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5 years ago

4 Crazy Excuses Older Adults Give for Not Starting a Business (#3 Really Makes Me Mad!)

By the time we reach our 60s, we finally realize that the best way to become a millionaire in retirement is to start investing 10% of everything you make in your 20s. Now, if someone could just invent a time machine so that we could go back…

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5 years ago

6 Questions that Can Help You Generate New Business Ideas at Any Age

When I talk with other people of my generation about starting a business, the most common response that I get is along the lines of “I’d love to start a business… but, I have no idea what to do.” Read More

5 years ago

3 Reasons to Keep Your Retirement a Secret (Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You!)

Retirement is one of the most important milestones of a person’s life. So, for those of us hard-working (and lucky) enough to actually be able to retire, it is only natural that we would want to scream about our success from the rooftops…

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