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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

4 years ago

Why You May Live to 120… and 4 Implications for Your Retirement Plan

One of the most important numbers that we need to consider as we build our retirement plans is our life expectancy. After all, our expectations regarding how long we are going to live influence everything…

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4 years ago

Life After Retirement: Is Health More Important than Wealth?

If you listen to the media, getting ready for life after retirement is all about how much money you can stash away. So, like squirrels, we run around, burying nuts all over the garden, hoping that they will last us through the winter. Then, when we reach retirement (or semi-retirement), we realize that money isn’t everything. Read More

4 years ago

3 Reasons Boomers Need a Side Hustle More than Millennials

If the lifestyle gurus are to be believed, starting a side-hustle is one of the surest paths to wealth at any age. But, on the whole, it is Millennials who have truly embraced the “Four Hour Workweek” and similar books.

Rejecting yesterday’s conventional wisdom – “Do well in school, go to college, get a good job, work hard for 45 years and retire” – younger workers are embracing freelancing, following their passions and planning their next job during the orientation for their current one. Read More

5 years ago

6 Retirement Planning Truths Recent Retirees Wish They Had Known in Their 50s (No-One Thinks About #3!)

When we think about retirement planning, most of us have a big fat number in our minds – how much money have we saved? Or, not saved, as the situation may be. In reality, while saving for retirement is important, it is far from the only issue that we face in our 50s…

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5 years ago

Buy, Sell, or Hold When the World Is in a Crisis?

This seems to be the question of the day from most anyone who has an investment portfolio and has watched it cave during the past month. Here are five thoughts and ideas to consider for managing…

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5 years ago

Let Your Gut be Your Guide when Trusting a Financial Advisor to Care for Sudden Money

My friend Mary’s husband died unexpectedly, leaving her to raise their five-year-old son and tend to a generous life insurance settlement, while learning to navigate life without her mate…

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5 years ago

5 Ways You Can Use Self-Isolation to Start Your Business Now

If you’ve been contemplating starting a business, now is the perfect time. All of us are being asked to self-isolate to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We suddenly have extra time on our hands…

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5 years ago

How You Can Take Advantage of Market Volatility in Times of Crisis

You’ve no doubt heard about the recent market volatility related to Coronavirus and the reaction to this unexpected pandemic. Nobody likes sitting on their hands when it feels like they should be doing something…

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5 years ago

Social Security is a Dead Man Walking: You Need a Plan B!

Social Security is dead. It just hasn’t stopped twitching. This is the only conclusion that I can come to after reviewing all of the available data and considering the political and social environment that we are likely to face over the next 20-30 years.

In fact, the more I think about Social Security, the more I believe that everyone, from recent retirees to Millennials need to assume that this safety net will disappear, in whole, or in part, within the next few decades. Read More

5 years ago

How to Save $300,000 for Retirement in 4-Weeks of Cleaning Bubble Gum

Imagine the following scenario. You are 57-years-old and have less than $10,000 saved for retirement. Realizing that you have less than a decade before “retirement age,” you decide that you are going to do “whatever it takes” (literally!) to get your retirement dreams back on track. So, you set out to find a part-time job with the intention of saving every penny of extra income. Read More