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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

4 years ago

My Professional Midlife Reinvention: How I Finally Found Fulfillment with a Job I Love

I realize that’s not exactly a shocking admission for those out there who find their work to be fulfilling. But I’m well into middle age and have been working for the better part of three decades. And it’s only in the past few years, since I started…

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4 years ago

4 Tips for Having Financial Conversations with Your Aging Parents (#3 is So Important!)

My aging parents are both over 80. They live in their own home and are managing their day-to-day activities and financial affairs with admirable fervor and zest. I see them every few months, and we talk regularly on the phone. They acknowledge…

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4 years ago

SPONSORED: Turning Retirement Savings into a Retirement Paycheck

Like so many women in our Sixty and Me community, the landscape of my life is continually shifting. I spent 40 years working full time in the technology business while raising my two boys and balancing life and work. I retired from…

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4 years ago

Are You Being SMART? 4 Tips for Setting Your Financial Goals After 60

Historically speaking, your financial adviser’s job has always been to help you reach your financial goals. If you wanted to retire, travel or buy that vacation home, you were only to set your goal, and your adviser would tell you how to get there…

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4 years ago

What the Ideal Reverse Mortgage Candidate Looks Like – Part 1

My grandfather, who passed away years ago, was a man I greatly admired. He was a decorated pilot who flew cargo missions over the Himalayas in World War II. He risked his life serving in the vital supply link that helped the Allies…

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4 years ago

Baking a Better Business After 50: Embrace the Challenge to Rebuild Your Website

Are you naturally inquisitive? Do you love to learn? I certainly do. From my perspective, it makes life much more interesting. Health experts are currently telling us that learning something new every day, whatever our age, keeps us healthy…

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4 years ago

Why I Choose to Pay It Forward in the Work World

I got a call the other day from a friend who’s looking to change careers in midlife. Knowing that I was a fellow traveler, she wanted to set up a time for us to talk so that I could give her some advice. I probably get a call…

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4 years ago

Are You Expecting Your Man to Be Your Financial Plan?

If you had to choose one word to describe what money means to you, what would that word be? Survival, security, love, power, independence, or something else? Whatever word you identified is the result of years of experiences…

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4 years ago

10 Ways to Avoid Embarrassing Mistakes in Your Emails

Have you ever written an email, clicked send, and then found an embarrassing mistake? Often, you don’t see that misspelled word or insensitive phrasing until it’s too late, right? Read More

4 years ago

10 Tips for Preparing for Retirement and Defeating the “Money Worry” Gene

We all have chromosomes (DNA) that are encoded with our genes in every cell in our body. There are 22 pairs of chromosomes that determine everything from the color of our hair and eyes to our ancestry and mental abilities. Read More