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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

4 years ago

The Magic (Pass)Words: It’s Not About Knowing, It’s About Doing (VIDEO)

How many passwords do you have to keep track of? Have you ever counted them? I stopped counting after I hit 200 (but I have two businesses so hopefully it’s not that many for everyone). I know it’s all for our own safety and security…

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4 years ago

How Rebalancing Your “Life Portfolio” Can Help You to Achieve Financial Success After 60

There is no part of life that can be experienced in a vacuum. Each decision you make impacts other areas of your life. I know, for instance, that if I have a glass of wine, it will trigger a migraine, and I will be wiped out for three days…

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4 years ago

3 Things You Need to Understand About President Biden’s Tax Plan

President Biden has yet to make his tax bill a top priority, but with Americans likely to reach herd immunity by the end of summer 2021, people’s attention will quickly return to addressing income and wealth inequality…

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4 years ago

9 Tricks to Help You Manage Your Finances for the First Time After 60

The days of one spouse taking charge of the family finances are long gone, right? I wish that was the case. Over the years, I’ve edited a number of books aimed at helping women master the basics of personal finance and investing…

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4 years ago

4 Things I Learned About the Word Widow

I wish we had a different word to use here in the United States for our “status” after we lose a spouse other than the word “widow.” It’s the only box you can check on forms you need to fill out afterwards at the bank, doctor’s office, dentist…

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4 years ago

5 Tips for Professional Reinvention After 60

What’s lovely about dipping in and out of the job market is that you always learn something new each time. In my current process of professional reinvention, I’ve picked up some new tips that have really served me well…

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4 years ago

Do You Have “Enjoy Life” on Your Checklist?

Checklists are more powerful than you might think. Research is definitely convincing on the merits of using checklists. They help you focus and accomplish goals, one small task at a time. They train your brain to be more productive…

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4 years ago

3 Reasons to Talk with Your Adult Children About Your Estate

Most baby boomers were taught that financial affairs are private matters, and you should not talk with your kids about your money situation. In most circumstances, keeping estate matters private is prudent. However, when it comes…

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4 years ago

How to Market Your Hobby Turned Business After 60

Now that you have decided to start your little business selling your products, it is time to address how you are going to set up your marketing plan. Up till now, you have been doing your hobby for fun and perhaps selling a few items…

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4 years ago

What to Do When Facing Financial Goobblygook

If you’ve ever interviewed a financial ‘adviser’ and asked the questions about financial planning, how they manage money, investment returns, and their fees during an initial introductory meeting, you very likely heard a lot of terminology…

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