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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

4 years ago

Makeup for Older Women: How to Deal with Eye Bags and Dark Circles

When the mirror reveals that yet another day will pass with those horrendous dark circles under your eyes, you know it’s time to take the matter seriously. Join us in discussion with makeup artist Ariane Poole who is ready to share her secret on having a more vibrant and well-rested appearance. Enjoy the show! Read More

4 years ago

Everything Eyebrows! How to Create the Perfect Eyebrow for Mature Women (Video)

The number one thing you can do to revolutionize your look is to change your eyebrow shape. As a senior, what techniques do you need to know so that your brows are stunning…

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4 years ago

5 *HOT* Hair Care Tips for Older Women from a Celebrity Stylist (#3 is AMAZING!)

Are bangs good for older women? How to get that shiny hair we had in our younger days? How do we take care of our hair as we get older? Margaret Manning talks with celebrity stylist Denise McAdam, who has not only worked with the hair for celebrity’s…

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4 years ago

Matte, Shine or Gloss Lipstick? Which is Best for Older Women?

Any woman who has ever gone to the makeup counter will tell you that, when it comes to lipstick choices, today’s market is saturated with choices; semi-gloss, matte, super high gloss, twenty-four-hour lipstick, you name it!

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4 years ago

How to Highlight and Enhance Your Grey Hair (A Celebrity Stylist Video Interview)

Have you seen the thousands of women who have decided to let their hair go grey naturally? In addition to women announcing their beautiful maturity by letting their grey hair show, many other women have chosen to stop coloring…

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5 years ago

Fashion Is Forever – Don’t Let Anyone Say Otherwise!

So often today’s society and media outlets attempt to embody youthfulness as the face of fashion and beauty. This may attract younger generations but does a dis-service to women of all ages…

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5 years ago

6 Skincare Musts for Women 50+ (AND 5 Game Changing Skincare Products!) – Video

There’s no question that for our makeup to look its best, our skin has to look its best. We all know the four essential care practices for great skin…

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5 years ago

Shed 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes? What to Do if You’re Struggling to Lose Weight After 60

Sounds impossible, right?! Wrong! It’s very possible. Let me explain …

As we grow older and our body takes on different forms and dimensions (we become shape shifters), we may continue to dress as we always have, not realising it just doesn’t work anymore. Read More

5 years ago

“Help! I’ve Eaten a Tube of Lipstick!” 4 Techniques to Keep Your Lipstick Stay ON

“I have a lipstick tree growing in my stomach,” complained the on-camera female news anchor to me one morning in the makeup room. “And the ultra-dry, matte…

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5 years ago

Beauty Concerns for Women of Any Age and 4 Allergens to Avoid in Cosmetics and Skin Care Products

Most of us need various aids to help us feel good. From moisturisers and serums for our dry skin to hair dye to enhance our hair. We often only consider whether or not the products work…

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