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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

4 years ago

Who Do You See When You Look in the Mirror? A Boomer’s Guide to Loving Your Face

Some time ago I wrote a light-hearted article offering tips to boomers on how to take selfies, seeing as it’s such a phenomenon. Granted, it’s a millennial phenom, which I don’t love all that much. But hey, times change and change is the only certain thing in life. Read More

4 years ago

Are You a Frankie or a Grace? A Signature Style Can Speak a Lot About Your Personality

The stay-at-home order and social unrest has made all of us a little wacky… and turned a lot of us slightly feral. (I took a scissors to my own hair this past week… that’s why you won’t see any current photos of me!) One important escape…

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4 years ago

6 Reasons to Love Face Masks – Besides the Obvious

There’s nothing like a pandemic to show the cracks in the veneer. Where things can break down. What does not work. And yet I am the eternal optimist. I like to find that silver lining. The lesson, the takeaway, the surprise…

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4 years ago

BLINK, BLINK! The Eye-Opening Facts on Lashes: Thickeners, Lengtheners, False Lashes, and Extensions

I love the movie stars of years past. One of them is Bette Davis with her long and popping lashes and glamorous gowns. World renown personal power drilled through those famous eyes. Her legendary quote from the film All About Eve…

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4 years ago

Day Creams, Night Creams, What’s the Difference? (Especially for Mature Skin!)

They both moisturize, but day and night creams are specifically formulated to meet the varying environmental and biological experiences our skin goes through 24 hours a day. It’s a question many of us ask: Do I really need a different moisturizer at night? Simply put, yes, you do. The focus of your daytime skincare products […]

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4 years ago

How to Lose the Old Lady Look: 11 Pro Makeup Artist Tips for Women 50+ (Video)

It’s inevitable that the passing of years will bring about some expected (and unexpected!) changes. But the good news is that we can make just a few tweaks to our makeup routine…

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4 years ago

Express Your Unique Self! Fashion Accessories for Magnificent Mature Women

As more candles are added to your birthday cake each year, you may start to accumulate more and more retired trinkets in your treasure chest. Women maturing into older age tend to shy away from the style they have built over the years and see trends as something they can no longer keep up with. Read More

4 years ago

Pro Makeup Artist Tips on How to Minimize the Look of Large Pores for Women 50+ (Video)

When we reach 50, we may notice quite a few changes on our face, and one of them may be the size of our pores. About six years ago, I remember looking at my nose and surrounding area…

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4 years ago

Fashion After 50: Sparkle and Save by Reusing the Same Items in Creative Ways (Video)

Great style has nothing to do with age. It’s possible to enjoy style and fashion no matter how old you are. Sometimes, though, women who reach a “certain age” think that there’s little point in dressing up anymore. We might think, “Who would stop and bother to notice an older woman’s ensemble?” Read More

4 years ago

How to Deal with Damaged Hair after 60 (A Stylist Gives Her Advice)

For nearly every woman on earth, our hair is our crowning glory, no matter how old we are! As time passes, you might have noticed your hair undergoing changes, such as becoming thinner or not as shiny as it was before. Chances are that it has changed color as well! Read More