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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

3 years ago

How to Save Money on Skincare and Makeup Products (VIDEO)

I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who didn’t enjoy snagging a great bargain. So, today we’re going to specifically focus on the best ways to save money on drugstore skincare and makeup products. Most retailers put their more expensive…

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3 years ago

Hippie Trends That Are Back! Can Women Over 60 Wear Them?

In fashion this year we are seeing a return to some of the hippie trends of our past. Maybe after all the restrictions and shutdowns and social turmoil, we’re longing for the freedom and hope we felt in the 60s that was reflected…

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3 years ago

8 Gorgeous Energy Exercises to Love Your Face at 60 Plus! (VIDEO)

At the age of 61, I find myself peering into my face with a kind of wonder. I know this face and yet it is constantly changing. I trace the lines around my eyes gently and with respect. These eyes have beheld so much beauty and also so much pain…

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3 years ago

Let’s Crush the Prejudices About Fashion for Older Women

There are an increasing number of older women crushing today’s prejudices about their lack of style. As an inspiration for this piece, I’ve turned to style icons such as Sophia Loren and Susan Sarandon that show how maturity gives a whole…

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3 years ago

Do We Really Need More Clothes? Is Fashion Over 60 About Quality or Quantity?

Recently, a client asked me to go through her husband’s closet with her to see what he had selected to discard. Her husband commented, “My polo shirts alone will last me for the rest of my life.” I was quite taken aback. I had never thought about…

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3 years ago

Pro Makeup Artist Tips: Eyeshadow 101 for Older Women (VIDEO)

Often, the women I’ve worked with have shared with me why they hesitate to wear eyeshadow and some of these reasons may certainly resonate with you as well. Some feel it’s not really important or necessary or it takes too much time or is too difficult…

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3 years ago

Sewing for Yourself 101

Have you ever sewn yourself a garment? I’m sure that you at least know the basics of sewing. It was only in recent years that sewing (“home economics”) was no longer taught in public school. Sadly, this seems like a dead art…

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3 years ago

7 Ways Older Women Can Make Their Eyes Look Bigger and More Lifted (VIDEO)

There are some wonderful makeup techniques we can use to create bigger and even more beautiful, lifted eyes. And since our eyes are the first place to show age, this is especially important for those of us over 50. The right makeup…

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3 years ago

Which Foundation Should You Use for Dry Skin? (Winter is Coming!)

Winter comes, and everything starts cracking. The ice cracks, the leaves crack beneath my feet, and my skin starts cracking against the onslaught of the dry cold weather. This is not to say I dislike winter. On the contrary, I adore the soups, cuddling…

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3 years ago

Practical Fall Fashion for Active Mature Women (VIDEO)

The seasons are a-changing and that can be mood-elevating… or depressing, depending on how you feel about the fall. At the very least, it’s a time when you might be connecting with family and friends again, and that’s always (well, usually) mood elevating…

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