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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

2 years ago

How to Enhance Your Style After 60 – Inside and Out!

Women should dress their age. Children should be seen and not heard. And men should bring home the bacon. I’m having a little fun, of course, poking “fun” at some often-heard sayings that would attempt to dictate how we as smart, visible…

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2 years ago

Easiest Ways to Make Your Face Look Slimmer

If you’ve ever seen those tabloid headlines that say “Stars Without Makeup” – and then looked at the photos, you know exactly what I mean! Makeup can help our eyes look bigger and more lifted and our mouth look fuller. It can even slim…

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2 years ago

Does “Pastel” say “Old Lady?”

How many of us carry memories of our grandmothers – or other elders – wearing knit (often hand-knit) pastel cardigans, their homes filled with dried flower arrangements, cut glass candy dishes filled with hard candies, the aroma of scented…

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2 years ago

5 Easy Ways to Dump the Frump at 60 and Beyond!

How long have you worn your current hairstyle and color (if you color your hair)? If you cannot remember, or it’s been several years, it is time for a change. Staying with the same cut you’ve had for decades can make you appear older…

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2 years ago

Age Spots and Sun Damage: Causes, Treatments, and How to Cover (It’s Easy!)

As is the case for many of us, our age spots and sun damage are all signs of a misspent (or well spent) youth baking (basking?) in the delight of sunshine with nothing to do. Ah, the golden years. Before cellulite, bifocals, and sunscreen, when baby oil…

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3 years ago

The Best Ways to Cover Up Those White and Grey Eyebrow Hairs

Since I’ve received some questions lately about how to cover up those white and grey eyebrow hairs that just seem to keep popping out, I thought this would be a good time to discuss some solutions. Now, many of us have only a few white…

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3 years ago

Spring’s “Girly” Styles: Would You Wear Them?

Maybe it’s because of world tensions. Maybe it’s because we’re just tired of looking frumpy. But fashion this spring seems to have done a one-eighty. Oh, yes, you will still see the more masculine and aggressive exaggerated shapes and styles…

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3 years ago

5 Style Tips That Will Make a Big Difference in Your Midlife Style

Midlife is a fantastic time of life. We have certainly earned our stripes after decades of raising families, carving out careers, and the many other competing priorities that perhaps have vied for our attention…

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3 years ago

8 Lies and Myths We’ve Been Told (And Might Believe!) About Makeup After 50

I think today’s topic is one we can all relate to: the many things we’ve read and heard that we should and shouldn’t do regarding the makeup we use after 50. And some of these “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts” are really pervasive in our culture and frankly…

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3 years ago

7 Secrets to Keeping Your Hair Healthy, While Aging on Your Own Terms

There’s no magic potion that will prevent us from aging (unfortunately), but that doesn’t mean you can’t age gracefully. While taking care of your skin will definitely help keep you looking younger and healthier…

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