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Beauty after 60 isn't about anti-aging. It's about feeling your best. Let's talk about how makeup for older women, fashion, skin care and hairstyles can help.

2 years ago

Makeup Application Techniques for a Flawless Look Every Time

Even though I’ve done a boatload of videos focusing on makeup techniques for those of us with more mature skin, I’ve never specifically focused on a subject which is really crucial to creating a beautiful, flawless makeup look: the actual application techniques we use to apply that makeup. After all, we can have a fantastic […]

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2 years ago

Give Your Aging Skin Some Love with Vegetables, Not Sugar

Your mom probably told you more than once to eat your vegetables, right? If your mom was like mine, she chopped and served fresh when she could. Our shelves along the basement steps were always stocked with canned green beans, corn…

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2 years ago

4 Myths to Wearing Hats and How You Can Learn to Feel Comfortable in Them

Hats are not only good for covering up a bad hair day but also provide much needed shade for our faces in the summer sun. Let’s explore the myths about why you may not be wearing hats, as well as some thoughts about how to find…

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2 years ago

Uh-Oh! 10 Makeup Mistakes That Happen to Most of Us – and How to Fix Them

If you look at one side of my face in the accompanying video, and your reaction is “Wow, what a train wreck!” – I’d certainly agree with you! This is what our makeup can look like when we have quite a few “uh, oh” moments when applying our makeup…

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2 years ago

What Are Your Favorite Moisturizers for Dry, Mature Skin?

My skin is so dry, it’s embarrassing. I go to have my legs waxed, and the Italian beautician practically has a nervous breakdown over the state of my legs – and my feet! I don’t believe my skin could be any drier if I tried! I have what is called…

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2 years ago

Hyaluronic Acid: What It Does and Why You Should Care

Hyaluronic acid is without a doubt one of the most common and widely touted skin care ingredients on the market. But it, like any ingredient, needs to be understood so that you can shop wisely and not be taken-in by false advertising…

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2 years ago

10 Natural Products to Use for Aging Skin (+ Face Mask Recipe!)

The anti-aging skin industry is currently growing at 7% annually. All of us aging beauties are looking for the next best product to reverse aging or make it stop. According to March 18, 2022 data on…

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2 years ago

Quick and Easy 1-Palette Full Face Makeup Look

If you like the idea of a quick and easy out-the-door makeup look using primarily one palette, you’ve come to the right place. Because in today’s video I’m going to be using an all matte, 15-pan palette to do my brows, eyes, blush, highlight…

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2 years ago

Finding Fashion Deals After 60: When Is a Bargain Not a Bargain

Unless you are hyper vigilant about your spending habits or living on a tight budget you’ve probably had the experience of buying something you didn’t expect to buy simply because you found it on sale. Now…

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2 years ago

Over 60? It May Be Time to Change Your Lipstick!

At nearly 65 years old, I am starting to wear lipstick. Why? I’m moving into that “pink lady” stage where my scalp is pink and shows through my hair, but the rest of me is losing some of its freshness. As I age, to my dismay…

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