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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

3 years ago

What I’ve Learned from My 95-Year-Old Mom About Relationships

The best fight my parents ever had was the day my father tried to outrun my mom in their own house. Before I get into the story, there’s something I should share about Annie, my mom. She’s slow to anger and she’s not a yeller…

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3 years ago

5 Keys to Feeling Better When You Are Estranged

At least 27% of individuals in the United States are estranged from one or more family members. Women over 60, who culturally prefer not to air their family’s laundry, are often shrouded in secrecy. Indeed, this makes a lot of sense; all the uncertainty, shame…

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3 years ago

The Hardships and Joys of Grandparents Raising Their Grandkids

There are nearly three million grandparents raising eight million grandchildren in the U.S. That has a cost in terms of time, money, and health. Our Caregiver Summit covers this topic in three sessions…

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3 years ago

My Adult Children Cut Me Out of Their Life

I have three wonderful moms in my immediate circle of friends who have been ghosted by their children. defines ghosting as “the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation.” The extreme…

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3 years ago

How to Deal with Estranged Family During the Holidays

Family estrangement for women in their 60s is more common than you think. About 70 million people in the United States report experiencing estrangement from one or more family members. For some, estrangement is a choice due to self-preservation…

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3 years ago

Make Giving a Year-Round Tradition with Your Grandchildren

By the time you are reading this article, most of your holiday preparations will be done. As we enjoy our families and friends, our gifts, our comfortable homes, and delicious feasts, we are reminded that others cannot afford these things…

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3 years ago

Letting Go and the Art of Parenting Adult Children

While I am hoping to be a grandma one day soon, holding baby Ezra made me think about the stages of being a parent. I realized that parenting adult children is actually another stage. So I did what any modern parent does, I googled it. Where’s the Advice for Parents of Adult Children?

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3 years ago

How to Give Your Grandchild the Gift of Confidence

Of all the traits that contribute to success in life, confidence rates at the top of the list. Unfortunately, children who have been born with physical or neurodevelopmental disabilities often receive messages from the world that chip…

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3 years ago

The Joys – and Challenges – of My First Empty Nest Christmas

Christmas is in just a few weeks. My adult children, who finally, truly left the nest this year, were not happy when I told them about the Christmas I am planning for this year when they come home for the holidays. “No tree,” I said. Arose a chorus of complaints…

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3 years ago

A Different Kind of Thanksgiving: Grateful for Nintendo Animal Crossing

I confess to having blue expectations about Thanksgiving this year. Our kids and friends had other plans or were too far away to make traveling accessible. The holiday does not really have enough days built in to justify the expense…

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