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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

2 years ago

Why Every Woman Over 60 Needs a Samurai Friend

“Samurai” friends give each other an active helping hand on the voyage down the river of life. They help each other to learn, grow and generally do better; and when things go wrong they help each other out of potholes and back on track…

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2 years ago

Have You Told Your Grandchild Their Backstory? You Should!

When our first grandchild was born, I was enveloped with the sense of continuity, similar to the feeling that I had when my first child was born. I could almost viscerally feel the past flowing through me to the future, to him…

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2 years ago

Why Having Adult Children Is Such a Different Experience

Have you ever stopped to think about how very odd it is to have children? It is, when you come to think about it, one of the most peculiar things we ever do. The decision to have children is an enormous leap in the dark, with very little control…

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2 years ago

What Covid Is Teaching Me About Divorce Recovery

I’m writing to you three weeks into coming down with Covid, and although I’m getting better day by day, I’m still not myself. The coughing won’t stop. Despite a good night’s sleep, I’m still pretty tired most of the day. And there’s still this annoying nose…

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3 years ago

3 Unusual Ways to State Your Feelings for Your Partner After 60

One of the top 5 regrets of the dying is “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.” Given that we never know when our life is going to come to an end, it’s a really good idea to not only express our feelings, but by doing that, keep our relationships…

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3 years ago

Over 60 and Rejected by Your Kid? Navigating the Estrangement Struggle

By the time we reach our 60s, we reflect on what we once hoped for with our family. I hear from women that they would grow older harmoniously with their families. It is encouraging and a blessing when this is the case. But many struggle under the shroud of secrecy…

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3 years ago

What Makes for a Long and Happy Marriage

A lot of people, so I am told, feel that a happy long marriage is simply not possible. Yes, people fall in love and get married, but the initial excitement with each other wears off sooner or later. And then people just cope with each other and their annoying…

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3 years ago

Why Your Children and Grandchildren Should Avoid Student Loans

Graduation time is here, and families will join to celebrate an important milestone in the lives of their graduates. Mixed with all the elaborate pomp and circumstance should be the harsh reality that student loans could make them indentured victims…

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3 years ago

Legacy Letters: An Updated Patriarchal Tradition Giving Women a Voice Today

A legacy letter translates your personal and family stories and values into life lessons and wisdom that can inform and transform the younger and future generations. Your letter can also express your hopes, blessings, explanations, forgiveness and gratitude…

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3 years ago

Reminiscing About Distant Grandchildren

When my first grandson was born nearly 16 years ago, I was busy with my work and my own life. His parents lived an hour away from my house, which made two hours travelling if I did the round trip on the same day…

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