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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

2 years ago

Saving Family Memories Will Pay Dividends for Generations to Come

I am sure you recall hearing kids groaning ‘oh, not that story again.’ It might have been in a private setting or embarrassingly public, but the sagging shoulders and bored faces are the same. You might even have been one of those…

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2 years ago

5 Fun Activities to Enjoy with Your Grandkids

Hanging out with your grandkids is great for your mental and emotional health. But the question for many grandparents is, what activities can I do with them? It can be difficult to keep up with the energy of young children…

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2 years ago

An Open Letter to My Grandchildren: 10 Things I Want Them to Know

Our five-year-old grandson recently asked my husband and me “Will we always be together?” I was stunned that such a small child would ask such a profound question. I’m not sure that he understood the depth of the question…

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2 years ago

Surviving a Divorce After 50 Teaches Some Surprisingly Positive Lessons

The process of ending a marriage, especially a decades-long one, can definitely shake up your life in all aspects. From the financial to the emotional, there are many unexpected good lessons that divorce in later-life…

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2 years ago

An Ode to Dogs on National Dog Day

National Dog Day is celebrated each year on August 26. The buoyancy our furry friends provide is balm for our Covid-weary spirits. Pets made great companions during the throes of the pandemic. I experienced separation anxiety when we felt…

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2 years ago

Escaping Relationship Toxicity Unscathed and Healed

As a child (and into adulthood), I experienced abuse: sexual, physical, verbal, and emotional. Both my parents were narcissists, one more severe than the other: my mother was an alcoholic, and my father had a sex addiction. As a result, I was highly insecure…

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2 years ago

60 and Estranged? 3 Keys to Go from Stressed to Wellness

How can you go about daily life when you feel rejected, hurt, sad, angry, and you’re not yourself? The key to moving forward and getting out of stuck is to focus on your wellness. The emotional stress of estrangement can take its toll on one’s mental…

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2 years ago

Looking Back on Motherhood

The older we get, the more often we find ourselves looking back and musing on the trajectory of our lives. Did we get it right? Or is there, indeed, one right way? There are many dimensions to such questions, but here I want…

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2 years ago

3 Tips for Making End-Of-Life Talk Easier

Berenice looked horrified. In the group I was running, she was coming to terms with the idea that she really needed to speak to her parents about the fact they were coming towards the end of their lives…

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2 years ago

Do Mothers and Grandmothers Ever Stop Feeling Guilty?

We do our imperfect best. From the moment we push them naked and helpless from our bodies, they’re ours to nurture, protect, and love. They come without instructions and each one is so uniquely different that a single guidebook…

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