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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

2 years ago

Is Resentment Keeping You Stuck After Divorce?

There is a five-phase cycle to divorce recovery of feelings and emotions that you may experience after your transition through divorce. It’s called the Road Through Recovery. Some women feel “stuck” or “in pain” in one of the phases…

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2 years ago

Want a Happy Marriage After 60? Take These 5 Fast Actions Today!

Your marriage relationship is one of the most important treasures you will ever have in life. Every single day, you make choices about what will occur in your relationship. Some of those choices are small and inconsequential while others turn out to be extremely important…

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2 years ago

60 and Estranged from an Adult Child? How Not to Deal with It

Estrangement is a widespread and stigmatized condition when an individual cuts ties with one or more family members. Over one-quarter of the population deals with either an adult child or another family member’s decision to disconnect…

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2 years ago

Will I Be Happy Again After the Loss of My Spouse? 6 Tips to Help You Embrace the New You

Just after the loss of a spouse, we are often absolutely certain that we will never be happy again. Even if it felt remotely possible, being happy again would feel like an insult to our beloved…

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2 years ago

Over 50 and Ready to Let Go of Unmet Expectations After Divorce? Here’s How to Take Action!

I have been hearing a very common refrain from divorced women over 50 as they try to move on: “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” “I’m over 50 and it’s too late to start over…”

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2 years ago

Are you Spoiling Your Grandchildren or Just Showing Them Extra Love?

Do you ‘spoil’ your grandchildren? Some people say that this is a common phenomenon. It could be argued that children all over the world are becoming increasingly unhealthy, overweight and demanding. Could this be due to…

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2 years ago

Are You “Stuck” in the Rejection Phase on the Road Through Recovery After Divorce?

When I was faced with the difficulty of creating a new, purposeful life after divorce, I tried different options, struggling to find one that would achieve my goals. As an older woman, I faced specific challenges not experienced by my younger counterparts…

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2 years ago

10 Ways to Have a Happy Visit with Out-of-Town Kids and Grandkids

Ever wondered how to have the most successful visit with your adult children, their spouses and your grandkids? Especially when living a long distance away from them prevents short and frequent visits?

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2 years ago

The Terror of Inheriting a Mess Part 3: Your Scary Stories

After sharing Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, and since I keep receiving comments, emails, and shared stories from readers and other women I have talked with recently, I thought it only fitting to finish with one more blog on the scariest day of the year…

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2 years ago

How to Communicate with Distant and Uncommunicative In-Laws

There are many reasons why a mother- and a daughter-in-law are quiet or reserved around each other. At times, people overstep the boundaries others have set up for them. That causes one party to be angry with the other…

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