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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

2 years ago

What Makes Adult Children Pick the Road of Estrangement?

Estrangement, the widespread and stigmatized condition describing cutting off one family member from one or more family members, is becoming increasingly common. Estrangement can mean cutting ties completely…

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2 years ago

Help! My Husband’s Retired and He’s Driving Me Nuts!

Finally, the day we’ve been working toward arrived. Both of us retired. Ever since I left the workforce 10 years ago, we’ve dreamed of the days when my husband would join me. We imagined leisurely days we could spend together doing…

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2 years ago

The Art of Turning Trauma into Comedy

My annus horribilis began some time ago, right at the beginning of the year when I told my husband of 28 years that I wanted to separate. It was not a sudden decision on my part, but what surprised me, amazed me, was that it came as a total shock to my…

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2 years ago

What Is the Best Thing About Seeing Your Adult Children Grow Older?

Have your adult children reached 50? My daughter has. How did that happen? I was 50 myself only a few months ago – or so it seems. When it comes to our children, time seems to work at a different pace. We do what we do…

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2 years ago

Overstimulated Grandkids: 4 Practical Tips to Help Ease the Situation

The holidays are behind us, and you may think that the inappropriate behavior of your grandchildren is a thing of the past as well. Unfortunately, the tantrums they threw over a toy they didn’t get from Santa…

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2 years ago

How Old News Can Affect Us Today

A charming married man in his early 40s, a father of three, has a two-year affair with his young secretary. So, what’s new? It happens every day. Indeed, it is an old, old story. What is new is that it was my father. I was in my early teens at the time…

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2 years ago

Good Old-Fashioned Play is Still Important for Our Modern Grandkids

Did you know that the amount of time that today’s children spend playing is far less than the amount of time we spent playing? How can that be with all the overwhelmed young mothers who seem to spend their time running their children…

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2 years ago

No Matter How Healthy You Are, Preparing for Your Death Is Wise

I bet you couldn’t wait to read this article! This site has so many fun and interesting articles about living life to the fullest – and we should – but we should also make sure we have taken care of the business of our death…

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2 years ago

Do We Have Mature Relationships with Others?

Our relationships with others can make life a delight. If our lives are full of family and friends with whom we have a loving and fulfilling relationship, we have a treasure beyond price. When we’re sad, they can help us lift our spirits…

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2 years ago

Is Renegotiation Keeping You Stuck After Divorce?

The third phase on the Road Through Recovery after divorce is the Renegotiation Phase. In this phase you may feel desperate to alleviate the pain and willing to do almost anything to lessen it. It’s your way of trying to postpone the inevitable…

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