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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

2 years ago

Take Care of Your Body as You Move Through Grief

During the days before Mom’s death, there were long periods of intense stillness. While sitting quietly in her room, conversing in whispers with my sisters and brother, sadness settled into my chest. I caught myself holding my breath at times…

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2 years ago

What Contributes to Estrangement? A Matter of Perspective

Estrangement is complicated and deals with perspectives from many different angles. Estrangement can be challenging to navigate emotionally since both estranged parties likely want to solidify who is to blame…

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2 years ago

Social Security Benefits and Divorce

Did you know that if you were married for at least 10 years, you may be able to claim Social Security benefits based on your ex-husband’s work record? This is particularly important for women who were stay-at-home moms who had a shorter work history…

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2 years ago

Love and Resentment on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day! Causes the heart to flutter, doesn’t it? Champagne, chocolate, flowers… you know, go big or go home, right? It is one of my favourite special days of the year. I love to celebrate love. But intimate relationships…

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2 years ago

“I’m Not That Young Grandparent Anymore”: 5 Tips That Work Well After 60!

I realized the other day that I have been grand-parenting for over 20 years and I’m not as young as I used to be. I used to get on the ground with those kiddos and play-wrestle. I climbed trees and monkey bars…

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2 years ago

Making Amends After Making Mistakes

There is some part of human nature that encourages people to make amends. We all make mistakes – however much we don’t like that fact – and it makes us feel better if we can put them right. Particularly sizeable ones…

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2 years ago

Make the Most of the New Year by Making Changes in Your Relationship

It’s a new year, and a time when we naturally begin to review our lives. A new year can remind us to make positive changes. However, change is a complicated and nuanced subject. We may say we want things to change, but at the same time…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself as a Long-Distance Grandma, While Getting to Know Your Grandkids Better

In today’s world – with grandparents living far away from their grandkids, and grandparents often needing to work well into what should be their retirement years – what can we do to reinvent grandma and make good connections with our grandchildren?

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2 years ago

Dear Son-in-Law-to-Be: A Letter

The role of mother-in-law is all over the place. As with most of your relatives, it’s not your choice to be related to the person who makes you a mother-in-law. But unlike your “blood” relatives, it is someone’s choice: your child’s. So this new person…

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2 years ago

Sharing Your Secrets Could Save You Time, Money and More!

Several years ago, my husband and I visited an old friend who had not been well. We were shocked to see that his health had deteriorated quite quickly with cancer, heart disease, and early onset Alzheimer’s – all at the age of 60…

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