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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

11 years ago

How to Deal with Grief After Losing Someone You Love

All of us need to learn how to deal with grief at some point in our lives. Some people, like myself, lose someone close to them as children. Others lose their husband after decades of being happily married. Nothing can prepare you for losing someone you love, but, there are ways to help the healing process along. Read More

11 years ago

Can’t Remember Your Password? A Cup of Coffee Might Improve Your Memory

Having lived in Seattle for 20 years, I know what it means to be part of a city infused by “coffee culture.” In Seattle, no one honestly seems to be able to function until they have had their morning caffeine kick. You’ll see people walking the streets with disposable coffee cups almost as a fashion accessory. The original Starbucks in Pike’s Market is a bit of a shrine for tourists and normally has a long queue of customers. There are also lots of local boutique cafes with baristas celebrating coffee as an art form. Read More

11 years ago

How to Make Money Writing Online as an Older Adult (Video)

In this episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I speak with Ben Gran, a successful freelance writer, about how to start a writing business while still working or considering retirement. Read More

11 years ago

Book Club: Still Life with Bread Crumbs, by Anna Quindlen

Still Life with Bread Crumbs: A Novel is a new book by Anna Quindlen, a bestselling author and journalist that I have admired for years. Her collective works show her to be a woman of great depth and compassion. Read More

11 years ago

You Say Retirement Homes, I Say Life Care Residences

People in the United States and England often see life a little differently. But one thing that we do have in common is that we are all getting older! Read More

11 years ago

How to Stop Emotional Eating – Start with Your Mindset!

When I was in college I had a lot on my mind. Looking back, it seems like I was worried about just about everything in my life. So, every morning, over-stressed and sleep deprived, I would order a cup of coffee and a huge cinnamon bun, dripping with icing. I would devour my 800-calorie “breakfast” in less than five minutes. Honestly, it was almost an addiction. Read More

11 years ago

Solo Female Travellers Are Embracing Women Only Hotels

Feminists fought hard in the past to establish gender equality, and over the years a lot of progress has been made. However today many hotels around the world are riding a trend that some people might think goes against the spirit of equality. In fact it could be seen as discriminatory – towards men. More hotels have started offering women only rooms and floors to attract an increasing number of solo female travelers. Read More

11 years ago

What Are the Benefits of Having a Pet After 60? You Might be Surprised

Pets touch us in ways that no person can. We go through dog and cat phases when we are younger, but, there are many reasons to consider getting a pet in your 60s too. Animals calm you, focus you and give you something to be responsible for. They keep you busy, active and energized. They can improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being… and they may just help you to find the man of your dreams (no, really!) Here a few of the surprising benefits of having a pet at this stage in your life.

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11 years ago

People are Living Longer – Will 120 Soon Be the New 60?

Ray Kurzweil is Google’s Director of Engineering, and he spends a lot of his time thinking and making predictions about the future. He has a pretty good track record. For example, back when what we now know as “the Internet” was just a small network of computers in Europe, Kurzweil predicted that the Internet would become central to our lives. He also predicted that advances in artificial intelligence would make it possible for computers to beat humans at chess, eight years before it happened. Read More

11 years ago

The Challenges of a Multi-Generational Workforce

For the first time in history, four generations are present side by side in the workplace. A great grandmother in her 70s can be working alongside the grandchild of a neighbour. Multi-generational workforce dynamics are becoming more complicated with longevity increasing and retirement being delayed – there are many aspects of working with people from other generations that are fun and refreshing, but there are also some potential challenges and pitfalls to keep in mind. Read More