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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

11 years ago

Exploring 7 Amazing Foods for Healthy Skin After 60

Like many women, I’m tired of using expensive beauty products to keep my skin looking good. So, I started looking into the best foods for healthy skin after 60. What I found was a list of foods that are not only great for your skin, but, that also may help you to live a healthy life more generally.  Read More

11 years ago

Why I Love My Invisibility Cloak – And Why I’m Taking It Off

Women, especially older women, often feel invisible. Like many women, I spoke out in the 1960s. I pushed hard to build a career in a “man’s world” and I started the Sixty and Me community to give women over 60 a voice. Read More

11 years ago

Why Are There No Fashion Weeks for Older Women?

Fashion Weeks around the world receive an enormous amount of media attention. The models are tall, slinky and size 2; the designers talented, visionary and bold. The audience is made up of wealthy, young women, who aspire to live in a world where clothes define a lifestyle and show social status.

Watching these glamorous runway shows, you would think that fashion is only for women under 30. The surprising reality, revealed by research by Kantar Worldpanel, is that women over 50 spend £7-billion ($11.6-billion) a year on fashion. Read More

11 years ago

Movie Club: Amelie, Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet

Amelie” is a French romantic comedy from 2001. This fantastic film is life affirming and heart-warming on so many levels. Whenever I watch this movie, it gives me a sense that all is well with the world. It revives my faith in people and reminds me of how we are capable of caring for each other, while living with our own priorities, fears, shortcoming and strengths. It also reminds me that we can change the world by being more sensitive to everyone’s struggles and personal journeys. Read More

11 years ago

Managing Your Money in Retirement Takes Creativity and Courage

Many women reaching their 60s today are not prepared financially for retirement. After years of hard work, building our careers and supporting our families, the idea of “retirement” seems a distant dream. Read More

11 years ago

Book Club: Thrive, by Arianna Huffington

Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder,” is the latest book by Arianna Huffington. Arianna was born in Greece. She moved to England as a teenager and graduated from Cambridge University with a degree in Economics. The mother of two teenage daughters, she also happens to be the well-known co-founder and editor in chief of Huffington Post and the author of 13 books. Read More

11 years ago

How to Overcome Your Fears and Get More from Life After 60

Fear is a powerful emotion. It is so strong, instinctual and deeply woven into the way we interact with our world. A lot of spiritual teachers and psychologists say that fear and love are the only real human emotions and that every other emotion comes from them.

Fear is also a primitive emotion. It is the anticipation that something bad is going to happen – like a sabre tooth tiger jumping out of the bushes. These are the things our primitive brain had to worry about. Read More

11 years ago

Let It Go – Exploring And Escaping the Good Girl Syndrome

Why is a 60-year-old woman going to see “Frozen”, an animated children’s Disney movie, for the third time? The answer is that this film quite honestly changed my life. Read More

11 years ago

Where’s the Financial Support for Older Entrepreneurs? Could Microfinance Help?

In a recent US Senate hearing, Elizabeth Isele, co-founder of Senior Entrepreneurship Works and Conchy Bretos, the CEO of MIA Senior Living Solutions  outlined the opportunities and challenges facing older entrepreneurs. Presenting to a panel of senators and government officials, they explained that small businesses provide huge value to the economy. They also revealed that, in fact, individuals between 55 and 64 make up the largest percentage of new small business owners. Read More

11 years ago

Movie Club: The Way, Directed by Emilio Estevez

The Way” is a most inspiring film, showing that we can find solutions in the most unexpected places. In this film, Tom, played by Martin Sheen, is an American doctor who comes to France to collect the remains of his adult son killed in the Pyrenees during a storm. His son had been walking the 800km long Camino de Santiago, a path for pilgrims when he died. Tom leaves his familiar life in California and begins a journey that he hopes will help the healing process. Read More