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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

It’s Not Too Late! Improve Your Health After 60 by Breaking these Habits

When it comes to smoking, drinking and a lack of exercise, many women that I know have a fatalistic perspective. If you are in your 60s or 70s, it’s easy to convince yourself that “the damage has already been done.” But, is this really true? As it turns out, no, it isn’t – not in the slightest! Researchers are increasingly showing that it’s never too late to get benefits from abandoning a bad habit. For example, recent studies have found that people can add years to their life by quitting smoking, even in their 60s. Read More

10 years ago

Pros and Cons of Living in a Retirement Village

If you’re in retirement, or fast approaching retirement age, perhaps you’re wondering about where you want to live during this next stage of life. Many women over 60 are reinventing retirement by working longer, dating new partners, traveling and retiring abroad, and otherwise living life with a new level of vitality and purpose. Read More

10 years ago

Senior Dating Tips: How to Write a Dating Profile that Gets Results (Video)

Most women are natural storytellers. After all, we’ve had plenty of practice with our kids and grandkids over the years! But, when it comes to writing a dating profile after 60, we often find ourselves lost for words. We may not even be able to describe the kind of man that we are looking for. Read More

10 years ago

An Introduction to Gentle Yoga for Older Adults

When I ask the members of the Sixty and Me community what is holding them back from building their dream life after 60, poor health and excess stress are the two most common answers. Read More

10 years ago

3 Compelling Reasons to Learn a Second Language in Retirement

Christmas dinner at my house features a symphony of different languages. Over turkey and stuffing, it’s not unusual to hear German, Russian, English and French being thrown around. So, perhaps it’s no surprise that I have come to understand in a very personal way the value of learning a second language – or two or three – after the age of 60. Read More

10 years ago

What is Yoga Really? Can You Benefit from Yoga for Seniors? (Video)

Women of our generation have a reputation for being willing to try new things. Through six decades of life, we have embraced new fashions, challenged the status quo and reinvented ourselves more times than we can count. Read More

10 years ago

5 Things Older Athletes Can Teach Us About Exercise Over 60

Most people would find the idea of completing 75 triathlons in 75 days daunting, but, this is exactly what Daphne Belt did to celebrate her 70th birthday. Daphne’s experience is inspirational, not just for her personal triumph, but, also for the message that it sends to women about exercise over 60.

You see, Daphne was not a born athlete. According to The Guardian, by her 50th birthday, Daphne was struggling with her weight to the point that she had difficulty climbing the stairs. Now, 25 years later, she is living proof that life after 50 can be filled with vitality, energy and new experiences. Read More

10 years ago

Dealing with Loneliness After 50 – Sixty and Me Research Results

Loneliness is a terrible emotion. It steals the fun from life, hurts our health and prevents us from following our dreams. Unfortunately, it is also a taboo subject, which few are willing to discuss in public. So, we let it sit quietly in our hearts and convince ourselves that we are alone in our loneliness. I want Sixty and Me to be a part of the solution and, as a first step, I reached out to the members of our community to ask them about their own experiences with loneliness. Read More

10 years ago

3 Implications of the Rise of Divorce After 50

In recent years, a lot has been written about the fact that divorce rates among people over 50 are rising, while other generations are staying married longer. For example, over the last 20 years, baby boomer divorce rates have increased 50%. Read More

10 years ago

Are You Ready for the Real Anti-Aging Revolution?

If you have been following Sixty and Me for any period of time, you already know that I am not a big fan of the term anti-aging. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the pressure that women feel to look younger is one of the key psychological factors holding us back after 60. Read More