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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

10 years ago

The Benefits of Knitting Include Time Travel

There is something primitive and wondrous about making something out of nothing. Women understand this on a deeply psychological level. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we are capable of creating life. Or, maybe our varied roles throughout history have taught us the value of being resourceful and creative. Read More

10 years ago

5 Surprising Things that Are Different About Dating After 60 (Video)

Women in their 60s have enjoyed wonderful relationships and experienced their share of disappointments too. Some of us got married right out of high-school. Others waited until their 20s or 30s to tie the knot. Still others of us decided to stay single and chart our own course.

Regardless of the paths that we took, most of us quickly came to understand men. We may not have always liked what we saw, but, unlike men, who constantly ask “what do women want,” we knew what to expect from the opposite sex. Read More

10 years ago

The Surprising Connection Between Gentle Yoga and Positive Self-Image (Video)

“I’m a complete beginner to gentle yoga.” “I’m a total newbie.” “I’m a bit stiff and overweight.” “I’m a complete novice, with practically no strength or flexibility.” These are a few of the ways that women in the Sixty and Me community described themselves when I asked them if they were interested me producing a series of gentle yoga videos for older adults. Read More

10 years ago

Trust Life a Bit and Don’t Give Up on Finding Love After 50

There is a powerful quote by Maya Angelou that says “To those who have given up on love, I say trust life a little bit.”  In the past, when I have shared this quote with the women in our community, I have been met with sad, almost cynical responses. Read More

10 years ago

The Joy of Aging Disgracefully

Last night, as I was having dinner with some friends, we started talking about the process of getting older. Go figure! We may have been in our 60s, but, we didn’t look over 60 – and we certainly didn’t feel over 60. Read More

10 years ago

It’s Time to Embrace Natural Makeup for Older Women (Video)

What are the benefits of embracing natural makeup for older women? This is the question that I asked Ariane Poole, during our last interview. Want to know what the only 10 items are that you need in your makeup bag? Then, this interview is for you! Read More

10 years ago

Here Are Our Favorite Gratitude Quotes to Inspire You this Thanksgiving Day

By the time we reach our 60s, we have a lot to be grateful for. After six decades of working, raising families and exploring our passions, there is a sense that we finally know what is important. This year as our friends in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving Day, let’s all take a few minutes to think about what we are grateful for. Let’s celebrate our children and grandchildren. Let’s appreciate our good health. Most of all, let’s be grateful for having made it this far and for all of the amazing opportunities that are still before us!

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10 years ago

Turning 60? Here’s Some Advice from Your Older Sisters

Turning 60 is a major milestone for many women. When we turn 50, most of us are in good health. We are usually at the top of our careers and have rich social lives, filled with family, friends and colleagues. Yes, some of us might be worried about the future or “where the time has gone.” But, for the most part, turning 50 is somewhat of a non-event. Turning 60 feels different. Read More

10 years ago

What a Trip to Paris Taught Me About Dating Over 60

I love trains. There’s something about zipping through the country side that makes me feel like I’m in an adventure novel. Perhaps it’s the hustle and bustle that I find appealing. Or, maybe it’s just the idea of “going on an adventure” that takes me back to being a little girl, my head full of dreams.

Living in Switzerland, I’m fortunate to have the opportunity to take the train to Paris from time to time. No matter how many times I go, I always learn something new. This trip was no exception! Read More

10 years ago

We’re Looking at Retirement Planning All Wrong and People Are Going to Get Hurt

What is retirement planning? It’s a simple question, right? Doesn’t everyone know that getting ready for retirement is all about putting enough money away so that we can live comfortably on our investments? At least, that’s what we have been told. For decades, our employers have reminded us to max out our 401K. Read More